Alert - Fairfield County click to sign up for Alert Fairfield

    What is Alert-Fairfield County? Alert-Fairfield County is an emergency notification system used by city and county public safety organizations throughout the United States to issue government related messages to residents and businesses. The system has the capacity to send thousands of messages via landline, cell phone, TTY, e‐mail, text and fax, all within minutes. Only authorized officials are allowed access to the system.

  • Register HERE - LINK to secure website for registration.

Tornado Warnings sent directly to you. If you have registered in the past, you will need to relog into your account, select "update" and then select the weather notifications.  This system will be an opt-in only service.

Alert Sign ups for Weather

For Alerts from Outdoor Warning Sirens - CLICK HERE! 

When will it be activated? Activiation of the Alert Fairfield Emergency Notification System will be dependent upon the emergency situation and the allowable warning time. Tornado Warnings will be sent automatically when the NWS creates a tornado warning - these notifications will be sent to addresses only in the tornado warning area and that have opt-in to this service.

How can I sign up to receive notifications? If you have a landline phone, we update these semi-regularly. But the best way is to just sign up. You can sign up as many phone numbers as you like. IF you use a cell phone or VOIP, these are not automatically included.

How do I get the notifications on an ALEXA device? In order to enable the alerts from your Alexa device, please go to

How does the Alert-Fairfield County service work? Authorized officials record a voice message, type an e‐mail or text message and deliver the messages quickly to individuals in the notification system.

What types of messages will be sent using the Alert-Fairfield County service? The primary use of the system will be to disseminate messages pertaining to the health, safety or welfare of a community that is being affected by a perceived, emerging, or imminent emergency event.

If I have provided more than one phone number, what number will be called? If an emergency situation arises that requires a notification to be sent to multiple phone numbers, we will activate the system to place a call to all of your numbers at the same time. For matters with less urgency, you may be notified at only one phone.

For a Tornado Warning, when will I be called? When the National Weather Service declares a Tornado Warning area/drawn polygon in Fairfield County, if your address submitted to Alert Fairfield is in that polygon, you will be notified. This is not a countywide warning, but only what is in the National Weather Service's polygon.

Will the Alert-Fairfield County system call numbers outside of the area codes? Yes. The area code does not impact whether or not a call is made.

How does the Alert-Fairfield County system respond to busy signals or no answer situations? For busy signals, call waiting, or when there is not an answer, the call will be repeated several times in an attempt to reach you. If the phone is answered by a message recorder, the message will be left on the answering device. If after several attempts the call does not successfully go through, the system will stop attempting to call.

What precautions are taken to protect personal contact information stored in the Alert-Fairfield County system? Alert-Fairfield County is a service powered by Hyper-Reach. This company takes your privacy and security very seriously. A contract is in place that prohibits Alert-Fairfield County contact information from being shared, sold, traded, leased or loaned to outside parties. Access to citizen contact information by City or County personnel is limited and approved at many layers. Citizen-provided contact information transmitted through the web‐portal is sent over a secure connection. This company uses multiple physical and virtual layers of firewalls to maintain data security. Data is hosted in state‐of‐the art facilities which require keycard and password recognition, and are staffed around the clock with full‐time personnel.

Can I register more than one phone number? Yes - you can enter more than one phone number and more than one email address.

Do I need to register my home landline number to be included in the database? Home phone numbers are uploaded yearly. If you have a new number or if you use a cell phone or VOIP (cable or internet based phone), you will need to register these.

Will this sign me up to receive text messages as well? Yes, this will allow text messages to be sent.

I entered the wrong information; can you correct it for me? The best way to correct or update your information is to reenter the correct information.

What if my address changes? You should go to the registration page and re-enter your new information as a new registration. Your account is connected to your phone number.  If your new address is linked to the same phone number, the old address will be updated. 

Do I need to add a 1 or area code at the beginning of my phone number? You do not need a 1 but you do need the area code.

Is registration secure? Yes, the sign up page is hosted on a secure server.
I have a question that is not covered in the FAQ. Please e-mail your question to